Battle History

i did a little research, and got a bit of help from @yoof and @lymtronics, and i’ve dug up a fragmented history of battles from the previous website, leading up the current battle 30.

others that were involved in the previous website, (which i viewed a few times, but never contributed too before it’s demise and resurrection here) should feel free to add into this fractured compendium, in hopes of one day making it whole again.


OP-1 BATTLES (1 through 10)

battles initiated by @lamp

battle 1


1. allowed to sample “April in Paris” by Duke Ellington
2. must use Dr. Wave on one track

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 8 entries

battle 2


1. use ?sample? from VST and Co. - Step no, step yes.

@yoof came out on top with “VST And Me" out of 5 entries

battle 3


1. only use Dr Wave and Dbox synthesis
2. use ?sample? provided for the battle

@mixrasta came out on top with “Damara Tam" out of 4 entries

battle 4


1. Only use strings and dbox synths.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 11 entries

battle 5


1. only the synth engines Phase and Digital and the onboard mic as audio sources.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 11 entries

battle 6


1. use only the FM synth engine and the DBOX drum synthesizer.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 7 entries

battle 7


1. allow use of an external instrument for the beats.
2. can sample Radio and internal engines allowed

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 8 entries

battle 8 or 9


1. exploit unintentional noise, bugs and glitches in the software in the OP-1.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 8 entries

battle 9 or 8


1. use the ?break beats provided?
2. only use the DNA synth engine (with any effects and resampling)

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 11 entries

battle 10


1. use only the cluster synth engine.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 6 entries

OP-1 BATTLES (11 through 20)

battle 11


1. use only the MXD drum kit & the Digital Synth engine

@yoof came out on top with “Two Straight" out of an unknown number of entries

[no playlist available]

battle 12


2. use the Pulse Synth engine & Live drum kit

@lymtronics & @neu_orbison tied for first with their tracks out of an unknown number of entries, and lymtronics agreed to have neu_orbison make the next set of rules.

[no playlist available]

battle 13


1. use samples from a Rhodes Chroma
2. use the Hortlax kit

@cuckoo came out on top with his track out of an unknown number of entries

[no playlist available]

battle 14


1. all sounds had to be derived from the internal metronome
2. a solo was required

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of an unknown number of entries

battle 15


1. allowed only the use of DBox

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of an unknown number of entries

[no playlist available]

battle 16


1. something to do with only being 30 seconds long & only OP-1

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 22 entries

battle 17


1. Track 1 can use any body noise using the Drum Sampler - no sequencer. lifting and dropping permitted
2. Track 2 has the same rules as Track 1, but using the Synth Sampler
3. Track 3 must use a vocal, but can be either Sampler. Only Tombola sequencer is permitted, and can lift and drop.
4. Track 4 needs to be series of live takes, either external or internal. no sampling, sequencing or lifting/dropping.

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 6 entries

battle 18


1. capture all audio using the endless sequencer
2. feature a tempo change somewhere in the tune

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 9 entries

battle 19


1. notes entered to tape with tombola hexagon sequencer

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 7 entries

battle 20


1. create a cover song using OP-1

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 11 entries

OP-1 BATTLES (21 through 24)

battle 21


1. use quotes from a Hitchcock film
2. get some use of the sketch sequencer in.
3. make use of the new DSynth engine.

@uleria with “Hitchcockian actor (OP-1)” and @lymtronics with “Spellbound" tied for first out of 14 entries, and collaborated on the next rules.

battle 22


1. all sounds must come from D-box, DNA, or D-synth
2. the track must include the five note theme from Close Encounters

@tribix with “Frozen Counters of the Nerd Mind" & (unknown artist) tied with (unknown track) for first with their tracks out of 9 entries.

battle 23


1. pick one setting of a single synth engine and make a track out of that. no resampling, no changes to the synth setting, no drums.
2 also make use of “counterpoint”

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 13 entries

battle 24


1. make use of two clips of provided breakbeats for the drums - James Brown break and BT Express break
2. use just one synth engine
3. sample and use a bit of local radio mentioning something about where you live

(winner unknown) came out on top with (winning track unknown) out of 16 entries

OP-1 BATTLES (25 through 30)

battle 25


1. use or combine Serge Gainsbourg & Jean-Claude Brialy "Un Poison Violent, C’est Ça L’Amour” & Herb Alpert "Besame Mucho"
2. use only the drums sampled from the songs.
3. all other engines allowed to support combining the two.
4. radio is allowed to combine another song with it’s samples to it.
5. feel free to be creative with the samples and engines, but don’t forget to have parts with significant sample-use.

@lymtronics came out on top with “Altered States” out of 5 entries

[no playlist available]

battle 26


1. entries must feature DSynth
2. entries must contain sounds from FlatTop preset drum kit
3. entries may feature ONE synth engine to compliment DSynth (sampler not counted)
4. the built-in microphone may be used to capture sounds to be added to the track (think voice, guitar, twigs, coins, tupperware, ambience…). (external mic for folks with broken ones)
5. YouTube may be recorded (for anything, but nature is encouraged)
6. all tracks must be created entirely in the OP-1 and recorded to album. no external processing allowed.
7. drum and synth samplers are both allowed as well as all effects varieties.

@yoof came out on top with “Housey Choons Oh Pee Won” out of 8 entries

battle 27


1. allowed to sample any material you find from the singer Fairuz on youtube. no other external sampling allowed.
2. prepared a drumkit for you to use, featuring a bunch of sounds from a MachineDrum, “MDTAPE” and/or "Traps” internal kit
3. only 3 types of effects throughout your track. and to mention which ones you’ve chosen when you submit your track.
4. all synth engines are allowed.
5. resampling through the sample engines is allowed (encouraged!).
6. no external processing or mastering is allowed. just bounce to album and submit

@mixrasta came out on top with “Tangerin Uz Fair” out of 6 entries

battle 28


1. sample or record your analog sounds of your synth to tape or the synth/ drum sampler and then sequence them with any OPsequencer.
2. add any drums from the factory presets or use your analog drumsounds.
3. add only ONE synth engine of the OP-1
4. all effects are allowed
5. maybe use radio to sample voices to make it more interesting
6. all production inside the OP-1 bounce to album

caveat: I’m aware of the fact that people have different amounts of gear and different quality, so if anyone does not have an Analog, you can use your virtual, or, what would be better, people share some of their patches and recordings here. Or try out NewOrbison’s patches or whatever you find on the internets. Please let us know what you used for your production)!

@moedars came out on top with “Italo guy, making some calls” out of 12 entries

battle 29


1. sample one note of you’re favorite sound.
2. you can use all the internal effects, copy-paste-cut and tape tricks to shape this one note in new sounds you can use. Creativity is your friend.
3. so only this one note and mutations are allowed… no internal synths and kits (sorry guys!)
4. use the OP-1 itself for mastering and recording the final thing.
5. use a painting as an inspiration for your ambience/composition. (painting also includes graffiti, comix and illustration)
6. the song title has to be inspired on the painting of choice.

@overseas_territory came out on top with “trees” out of 9 entries

battle 30


1. use delay(a little or a lot) on all 4 tracks ( and the master fx if you dare) no other fx are allowed
2. all internal synths and drum kits are allowed
3. record and mix everything on the op-1 ( as usual )
4. maybe use differnt delay speeds on your tracks to create cool rythms/ textures

@servando came out on top with “Delayed challenge” out of 20 entries.

Yay, thanks so much for starting this and taking the time to compile the information! I’m pretty sure we can collectively fill in all the gaps.

Launcher of the Battle thread: @somelamp (smoosher?)

Battle 1
must sample April in Paris by (Duke Ellington?)
must use of Dr.Wave on one track

winner: Lymtronics

Battle 2
winner: Yoof

Battle 3
winner: I think it was me ; )

Battle 4
either yoof or lym

Battle 8 and 9
I think DNA battle was before Noise Battle (because I
launched it together with someone maybe Chris Clavinova and Dayflight,
who didn*t response)

thanks @mixrasta, made some edits above. for battle 1, @Lymtronics winning track is not in the playlist on Soundcloud. perhaps it has been deleted.

battles 8 & 9 were recorded according to the ohpeewon battles playlist as well. i just added a bit of ambiguity to the order in my edit for now.

will continue to update if others remember the history. cheers!

I didn’t actually win battle 1. My first entry was battle three, my first victory battle 4.

Battles I have won (and created rules for next battle, unless otherwise noted):

4 “Strung Out”
6 “Nerves”
10 “Crestfallen”
12 “Popcorn Girl” (tied with @Neu_Orbison and did not make rules for 13)
14 “Lovers Leap”
17 “Oratone”
19 “Oblong”
21 “Spellbound” (tied and collaborated with @uleria on rules for following battle)
23 “Drifting”
25 “Altered States”

Battle 6 also allowed use of the built-in mic.
I don’t remember the rules I created for battle 15
Battle 21 allowed any source for percussion

Might it have been Octonaut who won number 1 with “The April Paris Juke”?

Would be great to see this thread turn into a sticky and renamed something like "Operator-1 Greatest Hits" as the battles are a big and unique part of this forum which I love listening too.

Thanks @kln for getting this started...

Me and another guy won battle 22 and then together made the rules for 23 involving counterpoint.

It was during the voting stage that the old site went down I think.

The member who won with me was only with us a very short time. Wish I could remember his name.

P.S. Most of my battle entries are on sound cloud and include a description of the rules for some you may be missing. I’ve been in most of them since number 12.

oh hey! I initiated the first battle. then successfully avoided joining in any of the 30 battles that have taken place. :slight_smile:

and yeah, it was octonaut who won it, and the sample came from a tape that I wanna say was called “golden tunes for the solo organ” or something equally silly. I’m sure I can dig up the sample off my old harddrive (or maybe I still have the tape hiding somewhere) if you all are trying to compile old source material.

seriously glad to see everyone keeping the battles alive! maybe I’ll join in one day.

@lymtronics and I won battle 21 and made the rules for battle 22 with the melody from close encounters.
Seems to be missing in ur list @lymtronics :slight_smile:

Good call @uleria. I messed up my list. Let me edit it.

I would love a playlist with all the winning entries :slight_smile:
Who is the owner of the soundcloud account?

Good idea @uleria, I’ll set that up tonight. (There will be a few missing as I’m missing some of the middle battles, but most should be there).

@yoof awesome, thanks! Looking forward to it.

where’s the some in your lamp @lamp ; )

For Battle 2 i made a nice one, but it’s only on Youtube, soundcloud didn’t want it.